Details Are Found Inside The Book Not By The Cover, Islam! Have A Closer Look….

New British Prime Minister Theresa May quotes directly from Quran twice, to rebut the ISIS declaration and prove that Islam is a peaceful religion in her Speech to Conservative Party Conference. 


Here is an excerpt from Theresa May’ speech on the terrorist group ISIS:

“This hateful ideology has nothing to do with Islam itself. And it is rejected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Britain and around the world. The Quran says: “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other.” It says: “let there be no compulsion in religion.” So let the message go out from this hall that the extremists will never succeed in dividing us. Let the message go out that we know Islam is a religion of peace and it has nothing to do with the ideology of our enemies.”

Islam is a religion practiced by close to 2 billion people worldwide and from all available statistics is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is also the most talked about religion in the world today and also the most misunderstood. The wide spread notions made by critic thinkers and non-Muslims that denigrate Islam and sent negative message all over the world is quite alarming. Sadly, the presence of some notorious radical groups among Muslims has exacerbated this gross misunderstanding of Islam, its values and standards.

Professor AbdulHafiz Oladosu of the Department of Arabic and Islamic studies, University of Ibadan, has called the world leaders not to judge Islam from the negative attitude of some Muslims.

“The misbehaviour  of some Muslims should not be used as the basis for judging what Islam really stood for”, said the Prof.

“It’s not Islam that should be held responsible for the misbehaviour of some Muslims”.

“The same way you don’t hold a car responsible when it has an accident, you need to question the driver and owner of the car”.

“The world should try to READ Islam and NOT about Muslims”, concludes Professor Oladosu.

Despite the numerous calls either in speech or written publications to correct the wrong impression, why Islam is constantly under attack by non-Muslims.

Islam is easy and clear for the one who has knowledge of the religion, and it is difficult for the one that is ignorant of the basic religious creed, lacks of faithfulness, and being in the wrong environment.

The easiness of Islam is felt in all of its commandments. Some can become confused in identifying the truth; others purposely ignore the facts and choose to deviate from the prescribed religious concept and to hold onto unethical practices apparently from self-serving ideology.

Their Islamic knowledge aim at preaching violence, distorting original Islamic teachings, they forbade what Islam allowed, and allowed what Islam made forbidden. The mind set of ideological concept  build an unshakable pose as threat to other people.

Anyone who deems knowledge to be mere interpolation of his ideological or tactics knowledge is an oration then one should know the world breed good and bad orators, who contributed positively or negatively with the use of their tongue. Adolf Hitler was a gifted orator; he led the whole Germany with his oration into bringing calamities to the world. Over the time, there are many contradictory sects that sprang up using the name of Islam for their own gain.

In Nigeria for instance in the 1980s the “Mai tatsine” sects that brought terror and bloodshed in the Northern region, particularly the city of Kano. The spiritual leader and founder of the movement was Muhammad Marwa a.k.a “Maitatsine”, his rebellion group similar to “Boko Haraam.  Decade after, Mohammed Yusuf founded the sect that became known as Boko Haram in 2002 in Maiduguri, the capital of the north-eastern state of Borno. He established a religious complex and school that attracted poor Muslim families from across Nigeria and neighbouring countries. The center had the political goal of creating a ground for radicalize followers, which Yusuf use to attract followers from unemployed youths.

In America, a group named  “Ansar Movement or Nuwaubian Nation”, the group's spiritual leader, Malachi York, considered themselves as Muslims but their ideology differed in so many ways from the true teaching of Islam. There was a Muslim scholar named Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips who wrote a book titled, "The Ansar Cult in America" exposing Dr. Malachi York who at that time went by the name of Imam Isa Al-Haadi-Mahdi, as a pseudo Islamic leader who was misguiding his followers.

Muslims especially the youth should be caution and a duty to investigate the teachings and motive behind such “new rising figures” with contradictory teachings, to avoid falling into their misguided sects. Every Muslim should strictly discipline his thought into rejecting any source religious sermon, which contradicts the only two authentic sources, which bind every Muslim – The Qur’an and Authentic Hadiths.

Shaykh Saalih bin Sa’d As-Suhaymee (Islamic Scholar and lecturer) made this remarks: “And what is really sad is that there are individuals who have recruited themselves as Muftis (Scholars) whilst they are in reality liars (Maftaroon) because they issues Fatwas (Islamic verdicts) without knowledge. They issues Fatwa to these ignorant Muslims instigating “disease naivety youngsters”, into committing these dangerous crimes of killing, slaughtering people and sometimes taking their own lives in a suicide mission. These are the Imaams who mislead the people who issue Fatwas to our youth to go and face Fitnah under the pretext of Jihad. So be aware of this danger!

"Be careful oh people! Wake up! Many of our children are bait for these barbarians, killers, criminals, Khawarij. Be careful! Be aware! Oh my sons, oh youth, refer back to the scholars, Theologians who spent their whole lives in serving the Qur’an and the Sunnah and in serving the Fatwad is based upon a proof from the book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of His Messenger (pbuh) and in accordance to the methodology of the pious predecessors.”

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Indeed what I fear for my Ummah are the Imaams who will mislead (the people)”.

If you see the Muftis (Imaam) who like to hide themselves then know that they are people of the misquidance. Sufyan ibn Uyaynah and Ayyuba As-Sikhtiyyani  (may Allah be please with them) said:

“If you see the people holding secret counsel in their religion to the exclusion of the common folk then know that they are laying the foundation for falsehood”.
So be careful! Be aware of this shameful behaviour”.

Is quite astonishing despite these very clear and straight forward warning, some group of Muslim choose to shun away from Allah’s divine word, create and spread their ideological hate sermon among the societies and in turn lead to violence, bloodshed, within a particular region.

Islam is not a burden and does not ask us to engage in unethical practices; it is a natural religion, it appeals to our inner nature (fitrah) and fulfills its basic needs without asking us to anything unnatural. For those who do not understand the reasons behind their existence or understand the concepts of religion, but get brainwashed and ignorantly immersed deeply; meanwhile, are striving to achieve a desire goal; then surely they will find themselves in dilemma.

Therefore, despicable behaviour exhibited by men, cannot be blamed upon Islam as a religion, but rather on the circumstances of the society.   

It is reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said, “Allah did not send me to be harsh or cause harm but He sent me to teach and make things easy.” – Sahih Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is our role model and the moral and social values he introduced cannot be undermined. True Muslims have followed the beautiful example of the Prophet, as ordered by the Noble Quran. Prophet Muhammad taught us that the human is the purpose of existence and earth, was created for benefits of mankind and that prophets were sent to ensure that peace, happiness and harmony prevail on earth.

Why Islam is held responsible for the misbehaviour of some Muslim?

Why Islam is judged by the actions of “Tiny minority of Extremists” out of the population of about 2 billion?!

Allah (swt) is aware of man’s fallibility nature, in the light of this He gives strong commandment of warning:

“And do not spread corruption on earth, after it has been set in order, and invoke Him with fear and hope; surely, Allah’s mercy is close to the righteous people.” – Qur’an Surat Al-A’raf 7:56

In the course of any acts of vicious violence targeting innocent people, Islam is seen as the only religion that bred radical groups.

Although Islam as religion has nothing much with ISIS, global terrorism and its radicalization, on the contrary Muslims cannot exonerate themselves from the vicious ideology of global politics. Critics and Islamophobes blame Islam and Muslims for it. Others have put forward “spread by sword” concepts, about Islamic history and earlier civilization being intrinsically inclined to violence.  

This is a trap, set by identically vicious warmongers and Muslims must fall into the trap of conceptual shrouded political fallacy, fabricated for malicious purpose.

The victims of aggressive occupations, deadly sanctions, bombings, drone strikes and are identical with the victims of ISIS attacks from Iraq, Syria, Turkey, France, Belgium, America and the victims of Boko Haraam from Northern Nigeria including the victims of Taliban/Al-Qaeda attacks in Pakistan. These are all fatalities of the same fate – global militant ideology that targets and kill innocent people with despicable identical motive.

History Written in Blood:

Terrorism seemed to be carried out by Muslim alone, isolating the past events when bloodshed sprang up into a worldwide phenomenon. Islam as global religion does not explain the ideology and the crimes of any terrorist group that hide under the banner of Islam to commit atrocities.

Such accusations are as indiscriminate, as the criminal attack of terrorists in all corner of the globe. They are equally legitimizing crimes against humanity. If we look at history of mass violence, most crimes against humanity were committed exclusively outside the Muslim territories or perpetuated by non-Muslims:

World War I also known as the First World War, or the Great War, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Over 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war (including the victims of a number of genocides), It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history.

World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, it involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers. The strategic bombing of industrial and population centres in which approximately one million were killed, and which included the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it resulted in an estimated  death toll of about 50 million to 85 million, these made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history.

The Stalinist Gulags: Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi concentration camps; the Genocide in Cambodia and mass killings in Maoist China; the Rwandan Tutsi  genocide; extermination of colonized populations from natives of the Americas to that of Congo under Belgian occupation took place away from Muslim societies. Even the Bosnia Muslim genocide of 1992-95 Bosnian war, the greatest mass murder was by Serbian (Orthodox Christians) incited by Slobodan Milosevic, who used nationalism and religious hatred to gain power.
Similarly, those who profess religious motivations or goals to carry out violence against people can be found among non-Muslims. Extremist ideology, threats, violence, including murder is historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individual whom they opposed. The famous radical Muslim groups – ISIS, Boko Haraam, Al-Qaeda, are not the only illegal groups that cause havoc around the world; Christians, Jews, Atheists/Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus and many other ideological groups, with history of terrorism, violence, destructions and spreading mischief throughout the centuries. It seems their crimes are not worth reporting.

The impression given that religious violence should be largely link to Muslims alone, what happened to the rest of the religious groups and philosophical ideologists are their crimes not worth condemning?

The Ku Klux Klan:– KKK is a well-known American white terrorist organisations.

African Christian terrorist group:-The Lord Resistance Army of Uganda/ originally known as Holy Salvation Army was a terrorist organization operating in Uganda.

Buddhist terrorist group:- Buddhism’s terrorism problem is responsible for the massacre and destruction of Myanmar Muslim of Rohingya community in Burma.  The persecution of the Rohingly Muslims, subjected them to live under threats, without legal rights.

We are all - Christian or Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddha, European, Arab, African, American, Asian and many more ethnic or ideological groups,   identical victims of only one militant ideology that targets and kills us with identically vicious tenacity.

What has the “War against Terrorism” has to show for its effort? Has it been measured as a success or failure?

John Pilger, the award-winning Australian-British Jounalist, writer, and documentary filmmaker made this remark:

“There is no War on Terrorism; it is The Great Game speeded up. The difference is the rampant nature of the superpower ensuring infinite dangers for us all.” – John Pilger, “War on Terror” a smokescreen created by the ultimate terrorist, America itself

The aftermath of “War on Terror” has cause the vengeance turns to injustice, oppression, rise of hatred by those who think all terrorists are Muslims and Islam is a religion that harbour terrorism and bred “Islamist Jihadists” therefore Islam is a threat to the world. It also means that “war on terror”, invasion of Afghanistan, occupation of Iraq, with thousands of casualties and trillions of expenses did not bring a solution. Instead of al-Qaeda now we have ISIS, a bigger, and more violent group that send terror to our world. 

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Details Are Found Inside The Book Not By The Cover, Islam! Have A Closer Look…. Details Are Found Inside The Book Not By The Cover, Islam! Have A Closer Look…. Reviewed by Unknown on 02:59:00 Rating: 5

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