Christian Terrorist Organizations That Equals ISIS/ISIL, And Other Muslim Extremist groups

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database, photo credited to Global Research

Most the terrorist, gunmen around the globe bears “Muslims sounding names”. The media is in the forefront in echoing such names and associating their actions with Islam.

The anti-Muslim bigotry and racism has taken over the media thus stereotyping any acts of violence directly link to Islamic theocratic ideology.

With all the anti-Muslim rhetoric, one would assume they are making honest condemnation for humanity sake, but looking back at similar actions taken by non-Muslims any right thinking person will instantly question the sincerity of their mindset.

We often read in the news in the aftermath of each terrorism attacks, ISIL, Boko Haraam, Al-Shabaab, Al-Qeada, and Taliban supporters claim group responsibility for the heinous crime.

Such notorious claims came in via YouTube video or Twitter account of the “Masked men”, ofcourse we don’t know them and we have no idea about their location.

Sadly the confession made by the terrorist through social media, are in turn, used by anti-Muslim bigots and Islamophobic propaganda machines to denounce Islam, stigmatise Muslims, and further fuel the fire of xenophobic hatred, for instant, Charlie hobo shooting Paris and Brussels attacks, Orlando shooting.

Whenever “Masked militants” decided to cause mischief around the world, they present it as acts of revenge against "Western oppression on Muslim people". Therefore, their actions should be taken as “Jihad” against infidel, against injustice or acts of revenge and retaliation, but in actual sense these, are identical acts of murderous violence that has occurred decades before now targeting innocent people in different part of the world.

When tiny minority of Muslim extremists hijacked the peaceful atmosphere of particular land, and engage in unethical and “heinous crime against humanity”, by subscribing to terror attacks of senseless killings, abduction of children; young girls/boys, and women. The peace-advocate majority of Muslims find it very had to convince the international community, their actions are indeed Anti-Islam and to point out what Islam really is.

Courtesy: Omar Alnatour with Huffington Post

Global militarism was not an Islamic thing it is a machinery of death and destruction in Islamist Jihadist disguise; the first recorded suicide bombing came from Christian soldiers during the Crusades to free The Holy City of Jerusalem from the control of Muslim armies. During the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships with 140 Christians on board in order to kill 10 times as many Muslims in the opposing fleet.
What is pathetically sad is most, people, who claim to be a "Christian", are narrow-minded about these horrible realities and denial is expected all the time.

Even in the Bible, a reference is made to a suicide as a means of killing an enemy.

"And Samson said, 'Let me die with the Philistines!' And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life." Book of Judges 16:30.

And let us not forget the history of “Terrorism” how violence rooted in the past:

In the first century Judaea, a violent group called  Sicarii-“dagger –men”/ Sicarius- “dagger-man” is a term applied, in the decades immediately preceding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE to an extremist splinter group of the Jewish Zealots, who fought the Roman occupation of Judea in an attempt to expel the Romans and their partisans from the area . Some of their most ardent adherents became known as “Sicarii”, or “dagger men”, a name that comes from the short swords they hid under their garments. Mingling in Jerusalem’s festival crowds, the “SICARII” slit the throats of their enemies or stabbed them in the back. At public gatherings, they pulled out these daggers to attack Romans or Roman sympathizers, blending into the crowd after the deed to escape detection. They were one of the earliest forms an organized assassination unit or cloak and daggers, predating the Middle Eastern assassins and Japanese ninjas by centuries.

This event is recorded in the Bible - book of Acts 21:38, which disclosed how Paul was accused of terrorism:

The new international version-:

“Aren’t you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led 4,000 terrorists out into the wilderness sometimes back?”

New Living Bible-:

“Aren’t you the Egyptian who led a rebellion sometimes ago and took 4,000 members of the Assassins out into the desert?”

Paul/ Saul Persecute the Jewish Christians:

So much of modern Christian belief is based on the letters of Paul, who was formerly, by his own words, responsible for the deaths of many early Christians. He might not have executed them personally, but he gave the authority to have them killed.

Acts 22.4
"And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women."

Paul’s actions were not different from ISIS/ISIL members, both were led by misguided religious ideology to kill hundreds of innocent people of an opposing faith.

Wouldn’t the Christian accept as their prominent leader if the ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi decided to renounce his evil ways and converted to Christianity?

Saul of Tarsus hated Christians. He made it his goal to capture, then bring Christians to public trial and execution. Saul was present when the first Christian (named Stephen) was killed by an angry mob.

"... they all rushed at him (Stephen), dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. . . . And Saul was there, giving approval to his death" (Acts 7.57 to 8:1).

After Stephen was brutally murdered, Saul went door to door in Jerusalem finding people who believed that Jesus is the Messiah.

"Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison" (Acts 8:3).

An early example of suicide bombing occurred during the Belgian Revolution in 1831 - the war between the Dutch and the Belgians - when the Dutch Lt Jan van Speijk blew up his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians. 

He had been ordered to take down his Dutch flag but said: "I would rather blow myself up." He killed dozens of his enemies in the process.

In World War II, Kamikaze pilots acted as human missiles, flying their planes with explosives, directly into US warships.

In the 1950s, Viet Minh "death volunteers" were used against the French colonial army.

A Crusade against Terror and Islamophobes claims fear for threat of Islam:

The word "crusade" was used by US President George W. Bush first on the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks, quoted below, and on the national day of mourning which honored the death of the more than 3,000 victims of the attacks. He said that "this crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while." The use of this figure of speech was criticized in Europe, and Arabic-speaking countries.

Former US President George W. Bush was quoted to have used the word crusade in his remarks, the word "crusade" was used by US President George W. Bush first on the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks, quoted below, and on the national day of mourning which honored the death of the more than 3,000 victims of the attacks. He said that "this crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while."

The President vowed to launch a ‘crusade’ against terrorism in response to the attacks, the word passed by almost unnoticed in America, where it was generally assumed to be a casual metaphor for a vigorous campaign. However, in Europe, with its much more prominent Muslim population, the term echoes as “clash of civilizations’ between Christians and Muslims.

President Bush’ speeches had repeatedly tried to present the activities of the West in today’s Arab world as a return of the Crusades. And Muslims recalled the Crusades as a dark era in history, and one which was most unfortunate barbarous and unjust military operations against the Muslim world.’ It served as a warning which ignites fears of past occurrences of events, a view which the historians presented them as an unholy picture of indiscriminate slaughter, rape and pillage which included massacres against Jews as well as against Muslim men, women and children.

Historians have also compiled the words of the Crusader era - killing for Christ was not homicide but “to kill a pagan is to win glory, for it gives glory to Christ.”

Doesn't the present violence in Islamic world, have its roots in the Crusades' brutal and unprovoked attacks against a sophisticated and tolerant Muslim world of that time? In other words, aren't the Crusades really to blame?

The Crusades are generally portrayed as a series of holy wars against Islam led by power-mad popes and fought by religious fanatics. A breed of imperialists, the Crusaders introduced Western aggression to the peaceful Middle East and then deformed the enlightened Muslim culture, leaving it in ruins.

Even Osama bin Laden certainly thinks so. In his various video performances, he never fails to describe the American war against terrorism as a new Crusade against Islam. Ex-president Bill Clinton has also fingered the Crusades as the root cause of the present conflict. In a speech at Georgetown University, he recounted (and embellished) a massacre of Jews after the Crusader conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 and informed his audience that the episode was still bitterly remembered in the Middle East. Clinton took a beating on the nation's editorial pages for wanting so much to blame the United States that he was willing to reach back to the Middle Ages.

There are Christian terrorist organisation that are as bad as ISIS/ISIL, Al-Shabbab, Boko Haraam, Al-Qeada and the Taliban, if not worse, than them.  You may have heard few of these dreaded terrorist organisation, but since the Christian/secular controlled media are not in a position to bring them into the limelight and name them terrorist groups, they just get buried beneath the earth or aren’t associated with Christian terrorism as they should be in the popular imagination. 

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who profess Christian motivations or goals:

...He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. Luke 22:26

1. Lord’s Resistance Army - Active: 1980s-Present, about 30 years 

 The Lord Resistance Army of Uganda/ originally known as Holy Salvation Army, was an African Christian terrorist organization operating in Uganda.

2. Ku Klux Klan - Active: 1860s-Present, 149 years

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", is the name of three distinct past and present movements in the United States that have advocated extremist  ideology such as white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder against African Americans, nationalism, anti-immigration, historically expressed through terrorism aimed at groups or individuals whom they opposed. The Klan is a far right-wing Protestant organization, with history of violence, that many people draw a comparison between the KKK and Al Qaeda.

3. National Liberation Front of Tripura - Active: 1989 to present, about 30 years

The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT), is a rebel group that seeks the secession of Tripura, North-East India. Group activities have been described as Christian terrorists engaging in terrorist violence motivated by their Christian beliefs. The NLFT includes in its aims the forced conversion of all tribes people in Tripura to Christianity. They threatened anyone celebrating the Hindu Festival of Durga Puja with death, and are backed by a Baptist Church that’s selling them arms.

According to Hindus in the area, there have also been forced conversions of tribal villagers to Christianity by armed NLFT militants.These forcible conversions, sometimes including the use of "rape as a means of intimidation". The NLFT is listed as a terrorist organization in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002.

4. Central African Republic, Anti -Balaka militias - Active: 1990s to present, about 25 years

These are the militia behind CAR genocide and ethnically cleanse their country of all Muslims, this includes children, who they’ve targeted and murdered. Their name means “anti-machete” in the Sango and Mandja languages.
Christian militia groups destroyed almost all mosques in the Central African Republic unrest. In 2014, Amnesty International reported several massacres committed by the Anti-balaka against Muslim civilians, forcing thousands of Muslims to flee the country.Other sources report incidents of Muslims being cannibalized.

5. Catholic Reaction Force/Protestant Action Force - Active: 1983 until 1994; at least 2002 for other groups using the CRF name; 1970s until 1990s for PAF

For those who are unfamiliar with “the Troubles”, it occurred in North Ireland and, as so many European conflicts do, setting Protestants against Catholics in an unbounded bloodshed.

The name Catholic Reaction Force (CRF) was used in Northern Ireland to claim responsibility for attacks and to issue death threats against Protestants in Northern Ireland during “The Troubles”.  

The CRF was behind the Darkley killings, in addition to several mailed bombings in the early 2000s. The group was first used to claim responsibility for a shooting on 20 November 1983 when they opened fire inside a Pentecostal Church in Darkley, County Armagh.

6. The Orange Volunteers - Active: Early 1970s to Present, about 40 years

The Orange Volunteers (OV), also known as Orange Volunteer Force (OVF) is an active group of Protestant Fundamentalist, and responsible for a number of violent attacks in North Ireland. While the police have been cracking down on the group, the group is still considered to be active and is still terrorizing Catholic citizens and hitting “soft targets.”

Separatist / New Regime Nationalist / Ethnic Nationalist, Comparative Religious Terrorist Groups (Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh)

Attacks on Soft Targets, Bombings, Armed Assault, Arson / Fire Bombings as a Terrorist Tactic

7. The Aryan Nations - Active: Unknown, to the Present

Aryan Nations is a white supremacist (self-described White Christian Separatist) religious organization originally based in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Rev. Richard Girnt Butler founded the group in the 1970s, as an arm of the Christian Identity organization Church of Jesus Christ–Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a "terrorist threat", and the RAND Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network" in the US.

8. The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord - Active: in the 1970s and 1980s:  

The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (initialized CSA) was a far right political organization dedicated to Christian Identity and survivalism that was active in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. CSA developed from a Baptist congregation called the Zarephath-Horeb Community Church, founded in 1971 in the small community of Elijah in southern Missouri. Over time, Zarephath-Horeb evolved into an extremist paramilitary organization rechristened CSA, which the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) identified in 1985 as the second-most dangerous domestic terrorist organization at the time.

This organization is loosely affiliated with other white supremacist organizations within the United States, such as the Aryan Nations, The Order, and the Militia of Montana. Between 1976 and 1985, the CSA was involved in various illegal activities such as weapons procurement, counterfeiting, arson, robbery, homicide, and terrorist threats.

9. The Christian Identity Movement - Active: 1920/1930s to Present, about 95 years

Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. The Christian Identity Movement is made up of various Christian terrorist organizations, like Americans Promise Ministries, who are responsible for terrorist attacks and bank robberies; the aforementioned Aryan Nations; the Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord; the Oklahoma Constitution Militia; and the South African Groups that were behind the 2002 Soweto bombings.

The CIM is a worldwide movement, with adherents across the Commonwealth and former-Commonwealth Countries, as well as the United States, and is responsible for ideologically motivated terrorism. The Christian Identity Movement is considered a much better comparison to Al-Qaeda.

10. The Army of God in America – Active from 1982

Army of God (AOG) is a Christian terrorist anti-abortion organization that has engaged in the use of violence in the United States to fight against abortion. The group is associated with a number of abortion clinic bombings, arsons and murders of abortion providers, in addition to numerous property crimes, the group has also committed acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder.
Army of God was behind many of the attacks on abortion clinics, wielding force and violence to enforce their anti-abortion and anti–homosexuality causes.

There are many such Christian Right militant groups around the globe, but i mentioned a few in the article. The Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), The Maronites Christian militias in Lebanon, The Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, are just another ones that didn’t get entries into the article.

It seemingly clear that Christian Terrorism, it exists, and it’s just as bad and widespread as Islamic Terrorism. The only difference between Christian Terrorism and Islamic terrorism is that Christian Terrorism never included in western media report. Mass media deceitful campaigns on any unpleasant acts by man, Islam was made to bears the burden.

Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States:

Evidence from research conducted by security expert - proof compiled from FBI report data show terrorism threat from Muslim terrorists has been exaggerated. Non-Muslim scarried out more than 90% of All Terrorist AttacksAccording to the FBI, 94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the United States from 1980 to 2005 have been by non-Muslims. This means that an American terrorist suspect is over nine times more likely to be a non-Muslim than a Muslim. According to this same report, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism in the United States than Islamic, yet when was the last time we heard about the threat of Jewish terrorism in the media? For the same exact reasons that we cannot blame the entire religion of Judaism or Christianity for the violent actions of those carrying out crimes under the names of these religions, we have absolutely no justifiable grounds to blame Muslims for terrorism.

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Christian Terrorist Organizations That Equals ISIS/ISIL, And Other Muslim Extremist groups Christian Terrorist Organizations That Equals ISIS/ISIL, And Other Muslim Extremist groups Reviewed by Unknown on 06:41:00 Rating: 5

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