Twin Towers Cameraman Claims To Have Video Proof of US Involvement In September 11 Attacks
- A cameraman, who was given unique access to Ground Zero, has claimed 9/11 was an “Inside Job”, and got video evidence that the George W. Bush administration was behind the terror attacks.
- Man says the most suspicious thing is what happened to building seven at the World Trade Center
- The cameraman was given unrestricted access to the wreckage of the buildings soon after the towers collapsed and was asked record everything he saw, The Sun reports.

A man who
was accused of shooting his wife believes he has proof the attack on the World
Trade Center’s Twin Towers on September 11 is linked to the George Bush
Sonnenfeld was working for the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, an
organisation tied to the US Department of Homeland Security, when the terrorist
attack on the World Trade Center took place.

Sonnenfeld believes he has proof that the George Bush Administration were
involved in 9/11
After the planes crashed into the building, Kurt was given unrestricted access
to ground zero – the site where the buildings once stood.
Armed with
camera gear, the 39-year-old was asked to film everything he saw.
documented evidence was supposed to form part of a report about what happened –
but he never handed back the footage.
His life
began to unravel in the following months and years, leading to the death of his
She was
found dead on a couch in the home the pair shared with a bullet wound to the
back of the head.
years later, the now-54-year-old is on the run in Argentina.
The US
government wants him back in the country.
they say he’s wanted over the murder of his wife, but he believes it’s
something far more sinister.
He says they
want to silence him over what he saw beneath World Trade Center 6, evidence he
is convinced paints the Bush Administration as big players in the deadliest
attack on American soil.
As police
arrived at Kurt’s home, they heard him utter the words “I can’t believe she shot
When they
gained access to the couple’s home on New Year’s Eve in 2002, it was obvious
that Kurt had been drinking.
He had blood
on his hands and alcohol on his breath, police told GQ.
They said in
an upstairs room they found Nancy in red underwear, still breathing, but
They rushed
her to hospital with part of the bullet still protruding from the back of her
She died,
aged 36, the following morning.
A cryptic
note was discovered in the couple’s bedroom.
It appeared
to be a suicide note.
On it, Nancy
had written: “What indeed is finally beautiful except death and love. Kurt,
please get help.”
The word
love had been crossed out.
fingerprints were on the gun but Kurt was taken in for questioning.
He was
charged with murder and was due to appear in court in June 2002, but the
charges were dropped.
He fled
because of a feeling it wouldn’t be the last time police came asking questions.
instincts were spot on.
In 2003, a
year and a half after his charges were dropped, a judge signed a new warrant
for his arrest.
When police
went looking, they realised he was gone.
Kurt met and
married a woman in Argentina shortly after arriving and the pair now have two
The US
Government has tried to extradite the former FEMA staffer unsuccessfully.

Kurt was
accused of killing his wife Nancy and the case has been opened and closed four
times - in favour of Kurt
Part of the
reason for that is Argentina’s strict opposition to the death penalty.
Kurt could
face execution in the state of Colorado if found guilty of Nancy’s murder.
What did
Kurt see?
bleached blond hair, Kurt wove his way through the rubble of Manhattan’s
downtown financial district.
He shot
hours of footage but never handed it in.
particular interest was what he found beneath World Trade Center 6.
He says
inside the building he came across a vault that had been cleared of its
contents before the planes struck.
In a
documentary filmed in Argentina, Kurt said the discovery is proof that America
knew the attacks were coming, at the very least.

Nancy was
found with a bullet in the back of her head
“One thing
I’m certain of is that agencies of intelligence of the United States of America
knew what was going to happen and at least let it happen,” he said.
“Not only
did they know it was going to happen, but they in fact collaborated.”
It is given
weight by a similar discovery on a basement door below World Trade Center 4.
According to
a New York Times article, the door to a vault was still intact but it appeared
as if somebody had tried to gain entry.
Behind the
vault door were nearly a thousand tonnes of silver and gold.
Kurt is a
conspiracy theorist and not only because of what he saw.
He says he
has the most trouble understanding how World Trade Center 7 collapsed despite
suffering no damage.
“To me, the
most suspicious thing of all is what happened to building seven at the World
Trade Center,” he said.
building was not hit by a plane.
“It didn’t
have any structural damage ... but, amazingly enough, building seven fell in a
perfect textbook type implosion, taking only 6.5 seconds for a 47-storey
building to fall completely into its own footprint.
“This to me
indicates there was absolutely no resistance between the floors when the
building collapsed.”
‘He admitted
killing his wife’
Dreyer and Damian Whitehead shared a jail cell with Kurt Sonnenfeld in the days
after Nancy’s death.
They said
that Kurt, from Denver, US, initially denied the charges against him but later
admitted to killing his wife.
In his only
interview with US media since moving to Argentina, Kurt told GQ he could not be
certain if he ever met the pair in jail.
met ‘em. I certainly didn’t make any friends,” he said.
testimony doesn’t help Kurt’s case.
Other evidence
collected at the scene also works against him.

Kurt's current wife, is from Argentina
Police say
when they attended to a 911 call, they found Kurt with blood on his hands and
blood spatter on his face.
His defence
team argued an official line that he embraced his wife after hearing the gun go
off and she “coughed and sneezed” in his face.
The problem
with that is Kurt told GQ it didn’t happen that way.
He said he
put his hands on his face moments after tending to his wife and the “spatter”
was simply dried blood.
questions will continue to come but, as long as he is in Argentina, he will
never have to answer them officially.
In the
documentary, he says he is ready for the harassment to stop.

Kurt says
the vaults in the building looked as though someone entered and cleared them -
suggesting the George Bush Administration knew about the attack in advance
“At least
four times has my case been looked at by a judge and been decided in my favour
yet the US government continues and continues,” Kurt added.
“What we
want now is for the US government to cease what they’re doing.
“My wife and
I now have two beautiful daughters born here in Argentina.
“I now
consider myself Argentinian.
“Of course I
miss my (family) very much.
“I miss the
mountains of Colorado.
“But to me,
if I had a chance to go back to the United States, I don’t believe I would.
“I prefer it
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Twin Towers Cameraman Claims To Have Video Proof of US Involvement In September 11 Attacks
Reviewed by Unknown
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