This Is What It Really Means To Be A Muslim – Watch Video Clip
Abdullah II Ibn-Hussein of Jordan -
Speech of
King Abdullah II of Jordan at the European Parliament Strasbourg, France
This is why
it is important to clarify what it really means to be a Muslim. I and countless
other Muslims, have been taught from our earliest years that our religion
demanded respect and caring for others. The Prophet Mohammad, peace and blessings
be upon him, said: “None of you has faith until you love for your neighbour
what you love for yourself.”
This is what
it means to be a Muslim.
Among the
very names of God, we hear: the Compassionate, the All-Merciful. All my life,
every day, I have heard and used the greeting, Assalamu aleikum — a wish for
the other to be blessed with peace.
This is what
it means to be a Muslim.
More than a
thousand years before the Geneva Conventions, Muslim soldiers were ordered not
to kill a child, a woman or an old person, not to destroy a tree, not to harm a
priest, not to destroy a church.
These are
the same values of Islam we were taught in school as children: not to destroy
or desecrate a place where God is worshipped, not a mosque, not a church, not a
This is what
it means to be a Muslim.
These are
the values I teach my children and they will hand on to theirs.
regions, our people, can find no better partners and neighbors than each other.
History, geography and future bind us. Let no one separate us, Abdullah said.
" Together, we can create pillars of mutual respect that will support the
common good for generations to come.”
This Is What It Really Means To Be A Muslim – Watch Video Clip
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