Thousands of Muslim Bosniaks Gathered in Srebrenica To Attend The Funeral of 127 Newly-found Genocide Victims
Muslim men
pray in front of coffins during mass funeral in Potocari near Srebrenica,
Bosnia and Herzegovina July 11, 2016.
Thousands of people have gathered in
Srebrenica on the 21st anniversary of Europe’s worst massacre since World War
They also attended the funeral of 127
newly-found victims, who were buried at a cemetery next to more than 6,000
other people discovered previously in mass graves.
The 127 victims of the 1995
Srebrenica massacre were buried in individual graves on Monday in a ceremony avoided
by Serbs after survivors said they were not welcome because they denied
genocide had occurred.
Nationalist Bosnian Serb forces led by
General Ratko Mladic executed 8,000 Bosniak men and boys after overrunning
Srebrenica near the end of Bosnia's war 21 years ago and dumped their bodies in
pits - Europe's worst atrocity since World War Two.
Serb forces subsequently dug up the
bodies and scattered them in a systematic effort to conceal the crime. U.N. war
crimes investigators later excavated the mass graves, but over 1,000 bodies are
still missing.
Most Serbs, both in Bosnia and Serbia
whose 1990s leadership armed and funded Bosnian Serb forces, strongly deny that
the massacre was genocide as judged by the U.N. war crimes tribunal for former
They dispute the death toll and the
official account of what happened, reflecting conflicting narratives about how
and why Yugoslavia broke up in bloodshed. That divide continues to hinder
reconciliation and stifle Bosnia's progress toward integration with Western
Europe. The Balkan country today is split into autonomous Serb and
Bosniak-Croat entities.

For Muslim Bosniaks, Srebrenica has
become a symbol of collective suffering and July burials of victims an annual
ritual. July 11, the start of the five-day massacre, was made a national day of
mourning by Bosnia's weak post-war central government comprised of Bosniaks,
Serbs and Croats.
Some Serb officials attended previous
burial ceremonies but this year was the first time none came after families
said that those who deny genocide happened in Srebrenica were not welcome.
"How can anyone say this was not
a genocide?" said Nura Suljic, 57, pointing at endless rows of white
marble tombstones in the flower-shaped Potocari memorial cemetery near
Srebrenica, where more than 6,300 victims are now interred.
Suljic buried her brother after his
bones were found in three different mass graves.
Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosniak
chairman of Bosnia's three-person inter-ethnic presidency and son of its late
wartime president, urged Serbs to face up to historical facts.
"Acceptance and recognition of
the truth is the first step toward genuine trust," he said.
Last year's 20th anniversary was
marred when an angry crowd at the ceremony chased away Serbian Prime Minister
Aleksandar Vucic, who had enlisted ally Russia to veto a U.N. resolution that
would have condemned the denial of Srebrenica as genocide.
Survivors did not want a possible
repeat of any such incidents that would distract attention away from the
Serbian and Bosnian Serb officials
bristled at the condition for attendance. "That was not genocide and Serbs
will never accept that word," Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik said.
Thousands of grieving families stood
by green-draped coffins in sweltering mid-summer heat, some kneeling, crying
and hugging the caskets before they were lowered into freshly-dug graves.
"All I have been left with are
these three cold stones I can hug instead of my two sons and husband, and a
grief I will carry in my heart until I die," said 67-year-old Nezira
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Thousands of Muslim Bosniaks Gathered in Srebrenica To Attend The Funeral of 127 Newly-found Genocide Victims
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